keirashii said:This show is not beating the allegations. Every character and the entire world & episode itself now rotates around Jin-Woo without any shame or subtleness. Side-characters, who have seldom any development, personality or characterization, are essentially basing their entire monologues and screen presence around the protagonist. At this point I'm pretty sure that, at least, 70% of dialogue is about Jin-Woo in some way or another. It feels less like an actual world and more like a lazy power fantasy where everything is catered to make Sung Jin-Woo look even COOLER!! than before, as how convenient it is that a celebrity is there JUST as Jin-Woo has to take the test, how the S-Class hunters are now jobbers who formally greet Jin-Woo and are there just to be amazed by his powers, try to recruit him and tie inner monologues in trying to figure out whats going on—even if its obvious as fuck. Everything is in place to be "outcooled" by Jin-Woo. The author is violating his entire world to make it rotate around Jin-Woo at this point and its not even funny, a celebrity is being interviewed by paparazzis, he walks in, grabs the attention, everyone is ready to greet him, everyone is surprised, everyone is waiting for him when he gets out, everyone is like "holy shit how powerful is he!!" ad NAUSEAM. Showing us EACH AND EVERY SINGLE side character reacting to the news of Sung Jin-Woo doesn't help the allegations of the author making it so every character rotates around him. As I predicted, Minsung was overwhelmed by Jin-Woo, obviously, everything has to be about him. Not only is the shop absurdly broken to get items, but they are also MUCH cheaper than real life—another hack I guess. Who in the fuck made this terrible hud and RPG stuff that are so easily exploitable and badly designed? This is why I don't call these things "characters" but rather Sung Jin-Woo's addons.
The strongest wizard in the korean hunters is now outmogged by Jin-Woo, one of the strongest melee fighters is now outmogged by Jin-Woo, Hwang vanished away but he's also probably outmogged by Jin-Woo, etc; our protagonist is a flanderizing maelstrom that demands everything and everyone be degraded and put to his service, but this empowerment is not earned, as it is forged by a million conveniences, contrivances and lifehacks that practically guarantee Jin-Woo's chaddification. Jin-Ho is Sung Jin-Woo's cucklord now and his ENTIRE character revolves around him. His paladin self goes nowhere, his hunter self goes nowhere, and his guild thing is probably going to be handled by our protagonist. Classic "friend of main character" archetype. We are shown a BREADCRUMB of something else rather than Jin-Woo's power paraphernalias, his idea of letting shades protect the city was interesting, and some more introspection would have been cool and... nope, it is cut to Jin-Ho and Jin-Woo talking in the car. YOU WERE SO CLOSE. You know the bar is abysmally low when I consider this to be somewhat of a better segment, even with how insignificant it is. Why... is he asking Jin-Ho for a car ride when he can just move around at like flash speed? Much faster than a car? An S-Hunter class couldnt follow his movement, so a paparazzi wouldnt be able to see him either.
Also A-1 Pictures' style is so fucking ugly and derivative holy shit, like whats up with Jin-Woo's dorito ass face.
In fact, our main character is so BADASS and COOL that he can just AFK certain floors of the Demon Tower. NGL. Having a gigantic orc shaman as a summon is pretty cool. And... some demon knights are defeating Jin-Woo's simpler summons, I was expecting them to be some bigger bad guys but... Jin-Woo just annihilates them. I should expect nothing at this point. The MP drainage shit is not a good tension point as Jin-Woo has fucking potions, this anime will not fool me. That ending was so cringe, Linkin Park in the background and Jin-Woo with LowTierGod's eyes saying "They also feel fear too" or some corny semi-Nietzschean shit like that... this is not badass, it's just cringe.