Review based on Version: Chapter 10 Part 2.
TL;DR is available at the bottom of this post.
First of all, I came across Ethan Krautz through his other game, The Sunset Fairies. To be frank, TSF and BSAA were practically in the same shape. I played TSF and BSAA as I'm a softie for redheads. IMHO both would've got at least 4 stars if not for the disastrous writing. Will be explained further later on.
After spending years in a correctional facility for killing his father in retaliation for abusing his mother, the protagonist joined the "Hunters" due to his unique ability to witness the final moments of the deceased by touching their bodies. His life takes a dramatic turn when a vision from a dead colleague reveals a shocking truth: he has been a pawn of the "Hunters" all along, and he is a reincarnation of himself, having died 500 years prior. Now, driven by vengeance, he embarks on a relentless quest to destroy those who have wronged him once and for all.
Views on Story
The game's starting trope is pretty straightforward. MC kills his abusive father after witnessing years of suffering inflicted on his mother. After serving time in prison, he begins working with a parole officer, only to discover that the officer is linked to the same people who had ordered his father to break him mentally at any cost, raping included. MC then finds out that magic, witches, vampires, and werewolves exist. This is where the story starts to go off the rails.
MC is turned into a werewolf and learns that he is the reincarnation of himself and that he once had goddesses as lovers. He also discovers that many of the people he knew 500 years ago are reincarnated in the present day. MC also begins using the church’s mausoleum to break and manipulate the female "villains". On one side, I don't mind mind control, mind break, and abuse, but on the other hand, it is very repetitive here, it takes away the "fun" aspect.
The game has pretty much little to no story, despite the 10 Chapters. Most of it is just sex, sex, hardcore sex, and sex. I can confidently say about 75% of the game is just about ejaculating and evacuating. Story-wise, 2/5.
The thing that bugs me is the writing. Very poor grammar, constantly wrong pronouns, wrong words and phrasing, with very unnatural dialogue that it feels like robots are the ones doing the talking. Paired with a hard-to-follow story, practically a disaster waiting to happen. Dev should get a proofreader. Writing-wise, 1.5/5.
Renders and Animations
BSAA's renders are pretty good, even without the fancy schmancy stuff you can see on higher-quality games. Blood and Cum textures are good, Animations are good, and Setting work can be better since some inconsistencies can be observed. But otherwise, I won't complain. Good renders, models, and animations. Render-wise, 4/5.
Pretty much straightforward gameplay, no bullshit, no character love points, only corruption and love points. But I fail to notice what both do here in BSAA, as they can change scenes in TSF. Choices here mean little to nothing, as there are no consequences in choosing one over the other as far as I can notice. Pretty much a skip-spammable game. No relationship to build, no nothing. Girls drool for MC's dick and want to constantly be filled. Romantic scenes were cringe-inducing when we know the final destination is to fuck girls into submission. Again, very confusing dialogues. Gameplay-wise, 1.5/5.
Content-wise, BSAA is all about violence. Both in the killing and sex sense. If you played TSF before, BSAA is the same, but worse. Most girls MC gets to rail are virgins, so blood during sex is very much expected. However, some fetishes such as granny sex and prolapses are very much forced. The MC is also a manipulative asshole, he goes around and gives anal and vaginal prolapses to the girls he claimed he loves, while narcissistically forcing the girls to smile and such, but not doing shit that actually makes them happy. Pretty ironic and absolute nonsense. MC also rapes "villains" with revenge being the motive.
I don't judge kinks, but more extreme kinks should be optional. If I hadn't known better, I'd say BSAA is pretty much trying to normalize abuse, violence, and rape. MC does them as naturally as breathing. If he's not abusing, raping, and fucking girls, he'll go about killing his enemies and vice versa. Content-wise, 3/5.
Characters, Love Interests and Paths
Character-wise, I will only say 1 thing. THERE ARE TOO MANY CHARACTERS! I can count around 30 characters that are currently in BSAA. Who knows how many more the dev will add in the future? To add to the confusion, Some characters have very similar names such as Alysha, Aysha, Alessia (the mom, aunt, and sister), and Maya and Mary (colleague and sister's friend). No offense but the dev lacks the common sense to name his characters differently enough to avoid the player's confusion. Some characters also have very very large boobs, not my cup of tea.
There are no also paths, but pretty much all the girls in the game are fuckable, borderline begging to be dicked, save for a few that will probably get their turn in the later updates. There are currently so many girls the MC dicked that I lost count but it should be around 20, and there are still a handful more that have yet to receive a dicking from MC. Just goes to show the absurd amount of characters. Character-wise, 2/5.
Firstly, BSAA is a confusing, janky mess. I want to continue playing, but there is so much nonsense I kinda lost interest halfway through the game. The tropes are getting nonsensical the further in, and the players are also left in the dark as the information the game gives you is very damn cryptic, the script even acknowledges it at one point. You get 1 question answered to just have another 5 unanswered questions. Dev throws whatever he wants into BSAA, it's getting out of hand. At this point, the dev giving answers to all the questions I have would be considered a miracle.
Secondly, BSAA URGENTLY and SORELY needs a proofreader. Everything is very messy. The English used is on par with an elementary student. Wrong pronouns, off-putting, unnatural and robotic dialogue, wrong speaker, characters unnecessarily narrating their actions, wrong MC name if renamed (one transition screen and one sex scene show the default name).
Thirdly, the story needs streamlining, and the pacing needs to be improved. At this point, the story is very messy, with no clear directions. You're a human one day, then you get turned into a werewolf out of nowhere while going on a date with a girl. I am tempted to just wait for the final release and just play it instead. I want answers to the cryptic information the game gives, not add another 5 to the already massive pile of questions that needs to be answered.
Fourthly, dev should make kinks like prolapses, rape, and granny sex optional. I don't feel like seeing a character I fancy getting prolapses. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Just let characters do stuff normally. Rape is also very prominent here, I can stomach rape, but it's not for everyone. Granny sex is well... it depends on the character but here? no thanks.
All in all, BSAA is a mediocre game. It's not THAT bad if you can look past the absolute mess of dialogue, story, kinks and the manipulative MC it offers. IMHO, the renders and models are not exactly half bad. However, at the state it's in, I cannot recommend the game. I can stomach what the MC does, but the disastrous grammar is what killed my interest.
Rating for BSAA:
Story - 2/5, Hard to follow, very cryptic information given to players, not even enough contextual hints.
Writing - 1.5/5, Janky grammar, wrong words, wrong pronouns, overall confusing dialogue.
Render - 4/5, Pretty good. Looks very nice, on par with better games.
Gameplay - 1.5/5, Confusing. Choices don't matter. No relationship points.
Content - 3/5, Violent. Forced kinks, Borderline whitewashing abuse, violence, and rape. Rapes "villains" with revenge as motive.
Character - 2/5, Very confusing names. Too many characters. Girls practically begging to be dicked by MC.
Overall - 2.3/5, Good renders alone can't salvage the disaster the game is. Could improve with the help of proofreaders and content writers.
Not recommended for those who can't stand the forced kinks stated in this review.