5:01 That's an argentinian thing "mate", it's like an infusion of a certain herb called "yerba" which translates to weed and yes... we use that word for weed lmao it works kinda like tea but you have to drink it through that straw
13:24 Ya know, despite the obvious meme potential seen here, I can't lie and say I haven't had to resort to the "ForkNife downed crawl" maneuver before. Amusing video, good sir. Eleventeen/10 I do declare.☝️🧐👌
bro i actually had a teacher do that shit to me. i didnt have my backpack because i lost it in a car crash (along with most of my school stuff) and this like 5 ft tall teacher starts screaming in my face (or torso ig) telling me they dont care and that it probably didnt even happen and im just lying. :| (i had just got back to school after being absent because of the crash)
Love the one where the board in the cupboard was taking up so much space and she couldn't just reach her chub ass arm around it. Literally no more space, just easier to get to. Yet these people whine about participation medals all day and don't see it 🤣
He actually laughs a bit in this one. Thank you for the content Blarg, always a beacon of happiness
Bacon of happiness
@@oneballgaming1687 it does I have no idea what you mean
Bacon snd happiness in the same sentence les goo!
Seeing blarg happy at minions put a smile on my face
which minions? his editor or those yellow dudes?
@@littlebeasty5839 the guys in the meme compilation
The genuine pure joy that washed across his face when the minions went by on the bikes 🤣
Glad to see the cut off ending as well, such a classic
1:05 can confirm this is in fact not a meme that is his actual intro to every video of his
ain't no wayyeeayyyy
its 4-20 AND we get a blarg upload? Ferb I know what we're gonna do today.
Blarg uploads on 4/20
Hitler's birthday is on 4/20
I think NOT!!!
The cutoff at the end😂
Ahem, Zucchini. RIP pedestrian. Nope, sigma nation is my fav radio station and whatnot
Song at 2:05 is King of the Rats by Bodysnatcher if anybody wondering 🤘😎🤘
5:28 whyd matt go full boston on us for a few secs
The Bodysnatcher meme got me
Blarg meme reactions are my favourite thing to watch whilst eating disgusting amounts of sunflower seeds
This is truly a chungo bungo lingo bingo squeengo plingo moment
12:22 that was one of the professors at my high school in Zagreb
The deep freezer meme is KILLING me 😂
I hope you and Doug are having a wonderful day :)
9:04 The bois in the motor pool on Monday just vibing
Damn I know the guy in the clip at 6:17 lmao funny dude
😂 that ending
Bparg alone at work talking to the customers: "Great! I'll just do all the work myself."
That guy is gonna be thinking about that high five miss for years
High school teachers: "COLLEGE WILL BE HELL. YOU WILL SUFFER."
Meanwhile College teachers: *creates foaming chemical reaction* "Oh, Monica, Monica!"
Everyone who’s ever gone to see a Doctor has died. Still think they care about your health?
Bro took the support board out, you can see the top shelf sagging. Sad handyman noises.
Blarg’s recent upload schedule >>>>>>>>>
Future solo game idea, hitman could be fun!
Love me blarg, I've sat through like 10 minutes of ads this video just because I'm too drunk to care that an ad is playing.
Try backrooms again, but wif friends!
Love love love this channel
i passed out in my bed watching this
3:50 emu, one tried to eat my shoe.
8:57 I served with those guys! They both loved their TikToks and what not.
No, just no…
He did not need to go there
6:15 I just realised thats a living fish 💀
I love blargs outra. it gets shorter and shorter like my life
11:36 no way george clarke and Arthur was on this😂😂😂
Seeing blarg play hitman would be a treat
No way
Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the money printer where today we will be printing money.
12:39 Wtf happened to Gru and who is Monika?
5:07 "why is there so many spanish memes today"
Me, german, confirm that the other ones (like at 4:44) were spanish too.
My goofy ahh ahh brother thought we watched this already a day before it posted.
That server doesn't get paid enough to serve chicken nuggets on a cruise ship.
5:01 That's an argentinian thing "mate", it's like an infusion of a certain herb called "yerba" which translates to weed and yes... we use that word for weed lmao it works kinda like tea but you have to drink it through that straw
1:37 you should play this, I feel like there will be a lot of funny moments
1:35 PLEASE play it. That’ll be funny af
Loved the outro, Blarghhhhhhhhh
very nmieec
my dog got scared with the first fart noise
watching this while shaving my balls, love the content man keep it up.
8:16 that’s my homie
The word Blarg says to say and mentions how he knows we can’t spell it has me dying 😂 (Notice how I didn’t say the vegetable cause he’s right)
13:05 "both? both is good."
Imma say it now: BlargTV is Matt wanting a new car or sum and so he tryna get the bag so he can buy it.
you could say zucchina for one , zucchine for two or more
I was today years old when I learned Blarg calls trucks lorries.
heres you money blarg
There were a few bangers this time
I bet you playing Hitman would make for a banger video.
13:00 one of the reasons I hated senior year
1:59 grizzy and matt do trust fall
U know it's funny the army one was actually real, they give you a green card if you join for certain amount of time. Alot of people do that
13:24 Ya know, despite the obvious meme potential seen here, I can't lie and say I haven't had to resort to the "ForkNife downed crawl" maneuver before.
Amusing video, good sir. Eleventeen/10 I do declare.☝️🧐👌
I do love me some hee hee haa haa rofl lmao funny moment
bro i actually had a teacher do that shit to me. i didnt have my backpack because i lost it in a car crash (along with most of my school stuff) and this like 5 ft tall teacher starts screaming in my face (or torso ig) telling me they dont care and that it probably didnt even happen and im just lying. :| (i had just got back to school after being absent because of the crash)
i like this guy.
11:22 does anyone know this music?????
The Goons should play Gratic Phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am feeding the money printer
What’s music title at 4:45
King of the rats by Bodysnatcher
0:25 zucchini
Squidward ah start
Hey future me, this is now the third time you have watched this video. Take a shower.
It comes full circle to reacting to memes again :D Can't blame ya tho
Zucchini I had to google that one 😅
They took our memes! (In the background) they rook our memes!
13:33 very stupid and very illegal
Yay money printer!
should've microwaved my rice more
Me me sour cream reaction less gooooo
Hitman is a really fun game u would like it
blarg must reply or the frog gets it 🐸🔫
Love the one where the board in the cupboard was taking up so much space and she couldn't just reach her chub ass arm around it. Literally no more space, just easier to get to. Yet these people whine about participation medals all day and don't see it 🤣
Matt, whats it like owning three channels?
I am proud to be early and the 501st like pray for the mighty Blarg
457 auto shop class hall pass be like
15:01 why does bro straight up have a bikini top shaved on to his chesticles
Maybe Hitman could bee the next game on BlargTV
Im a year late but i have to say as someone who speaks german the pipe falling was in accurate it should have been way more agressive
Zucchini I'm too stupid to spell it but good thing my phone keyboard did it for me all I typed was zuc
that c*m potion was really sick how do i make that tho
Memes again? Not complaining.
I love zucchini and money
Seagulls are birds of prey?
Pretty sure pretending to be a city worker and directing traffic is illegal
Meme. Compopilatioms. Zucchini
Hi blarg.
16:06 “r”
Bro I live near the 91 it do be like that
BlargTV Hitman playthrough? Easy solo content???